B9*: Multifunctional Antennas and Arrays for Satellite and Wireless Communications
Thu, 9 Jan, 08:20 - 10:00 MT (UTC -7)
Location: Room 200
Session Type: Lecture
Session Co-Chairs: Satish Kumar Sharma, San Diego State University and Jia-Chi Chieh, NIWC-Pacific
Track: Special Sessions
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Thu, 9 Jan, 08:20 - 08:40 MT (UTC -7)

B9*.1: Miniaturized, Tri-Band (2.4 GHz, 5.2 GHz, and 5.8 GHz), and Self-Matched Antenna Design for Future Earbud Applications

Pranav Yogesh Mahajan, San Diego State University; Balamurugan Shanmugam, Google LLC; Sanghamitro Das, Satish Kumar Sharma, San Diego State University
Thu, 9 Jan, 08:40 - 09:00 MT (UTC -7)

B9*.2: A Compact CPW-Fed Circularly Polarized Planar Monopole Antenna for IoT Applications

Abu Horaira Hridhon, Tutku Karacolak, Washington State University Vancouver
Thu, 9 Jan, 09:00 - 09:20 MT (UTC -7)

B9*.3: Toward Binary Reconfigurable Holographic Surfaces

Feiyu Shan, Arizona State University; Quang Nguyen, DEVCOM - Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi; Georgios Trichopoulos, Arizona State University
Thu, 9 Jan, 09:20 - 09:40 MT (UTC -7)

B9*.4: Mitigating Mutual Coupling in an Antenna Array in the Digital Domain

Majid Manteghi, Virginia Tech
Thu, 9 Jan, 09:40 - 10:00 MT (UTC -7)

B9*.5: Adaptive Beamforming with a Double-Cross Array of Dipole Antennas on a Drone

Neil Egarguin, University of the Phillipines; David Jackson, Daniel Onofrei, University of Houston